Most events are installed on their deadline date, unless there is a long submission window or unless it's a rolling submission.
P=Poetry, N=Nonfiction, F=Fiction
We appreciate good writing in any genre. We especially like edgy writing that offers insight into darkness. We prefer character-driven stories as opposed to plot-driven ones. We relish a piece with a great deal of heart and more than a little bit of Truth (note the capital “T”). We want to read a story that makes us feel edified or philosophical or amused or creeped out or angry or melancholy or inspired or, best yet, all of these things together.
We find stories that include gratuitous violence distasteful. Sexism, racism, or other forms of intolerance are intolerable to us. That said, you can certainly reveal a character through his/her prejudices; just don’t use a story to perpetuate negative stereotypes or ignorance. The world is already bursting with both.
3Elements Literary Review is a themed literary journal, and all THREE elements (the specific words, Orchestra, Bedridden, Sift) given for the submission period must be included in your story or poem for your work to be considered for publication. NO EXCEPTIONS WHATSOEVER.
Your story or poem doesn’t have to be about the three elements or even revolve around them; simply use your imagination to create whatever you want. You can use any form of the words/elements for the given submission period. For example, if the elements are: Flash, Whimsy, and Seizure; we would accept the usage of Flashed, Whimsical, and Seizures.
There is no minimum word count, but please keep your fiction and nonfiction submissions under 3,500 words. Poetry must be under two typed pages.
We will only accept the following number of submissions per submission category: Fiction and nonfiction is capped at no more than two submissions per submission period. Poetry is limited to three submissions per submission period.
We do not accept multiple submissions within the same document/file. Each submission (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, photography) must be submitted individually.
Simultaneous submissions are completely fine with us. Our only requirement is that you notify us as soon as you can if you intend to publish your piece with another publication.